London Tours: The Big and Little City

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Many visitors to London do not realize that the greater metropolitan area of London is actually made up of two smaller cities. The city of London, which is only one square mile in size and the city of Westminster make up what is known as London today. Both areas are traveled daily by tourist groups and many don’t notice the official city names unless they are pointed out by their London tour guide.

This minor division, as with all the many neighborhoods in London and the surrounding areas, lend London its history and diversity which is apparent to any London tour group that passes though. Many people, including residents and London tour groups alike, simply view London as the greater city than encompasses both smaller cities and the surrounding area. Greater London, in contrast to the City of London, covers over 600 square miles so people refer to the City of London as simply “the square mile”.

Obviously one cannot attempt to view every inch of this great city in a single London tour. However, most London tours will ensure that you catch a glimpse of the important places, monuments, and sights. An abbreviated tour through history, many London tours choose the most prominent locations to visit. For example, a London tour necessitates a view of the river Thames nearly by default. It is a tidal river, meaning that its water level is affected by the ocean tides, which makes interesting from a scientific perspective as well as an aesthetic perspective.

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